
Wise As an Owl——有聰明智慧;很有智慧

Wise As an Owl——有聰明智慧;很有智慧

** discerning有眼光的;insightful有見地的;perceptive有洞察力的;canny精明的;judicious明智的;shrewd精明;sagacious明智;astute精明;intelligent明智的;smart聰明的。

~~ 有聰明智慧;很有智慧;真有學問;非常明智;非常聰明;充滿洞察力;睿智;機智;智叟。

~~ as wise as an owl; owl-wise; sharp-witted; [as] wise as solomon; clear-sighted; full of insight; awfully clever; extremely prudent; very judicious; cunning/sly as a fox; smart as a whip; bright as a button; sharp as a needle/tack

!! Owls are said to be able to turn their heads around almost 360 degrees (actual max. 270 degrees). They have excellent eyesight especially suited to night vision. They can also fly in nearly absolute silence. These abilities make them formidable predators. And people relate unusual abilities to being wise. 據說貓頭鷹可以將頭轉360度(實際最大270度)。牠們具有出色的視力,特別適合夜視。牠們也可以在幾乎絕對的沉默中飛行。這些能力使牠們成為強大的捕食者。大家將不同尋常的能力與智慧聯繫起來。

!! Owls are actually not particularly intelligent when compared to birds such as crows and parrots. 與烏鴉和鸚鵡等鳥類相比,貓頭鷹實際上並不是特別聰明。

>> Do you have to be wise as an owl to succeed in business? No, but you must have common sense, patience and diligence more than others, and most startup executives don't have them. 要在經營商業上成功,你必須有聰明智慧嗎? 不,但你必須比其他人有更多的常識,耐心和勤奮,大多數創業高管都沒有。

>> While the other startups are expanding and spending money like crazy, his has conserved for the rainy days -- his is as wise as an owl. 當其他初創公司正在擴張並且像瘋了一樣花錢,他其實已經在未雨綢繆──很有智慧。


李啟文  教授

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