
For Crying Out Loud——喔,天啊!

For Crying Out Loud——喔,天啊!

** a sudden remark or an exclamation of: emphasis, astonishment, surprise, disbelief, impatience, annoyance, frustration, exasperation, complaint, or anger


~~ for heaven's sake; for christ's sake; for god's sake; for pete's sake; for goodness' sake; for the love of heaven; for the love of god; oh no; oh my god; by god; my god

“For crying out loud” is a 1924 Americanism ; it is in the category known as a minced oath, i.e., a substitute based on a profanity, but slightly differing from it.

“For crying out loud”是1924年美式英語特點,它是一種拆開的詛咒或咒罵的類別,即基於褻瀆但略有不同的替代品。

When someone starts to say“for Christ’s sake!”but gets only as far as the first syllable of the second word, and realizes the swearing or curse is unfitting for the circumstance or setting, thus changes the offensive word to“crying.”


>> For crying out loud, don't worry too much about COVID-19. The World Health Organization said that after some considerations, it would be renamed Corona flu, because the general flu symptoms are up to the throat and not to the lungs.


>> Oh! For crying out loud, why do you have to talk about Cristiano Ronaldo's news every day.


學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啓文 教授

2023-01-05 學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啓文 教授 1 1 澳门日报 content_236979.html 1 For Crying Out Loud——喔,天啊! /enpproperty-->