
Out of the Left Field——發瘋

Out of the Left Field——發瘋

** from out of nowhere unexpectedly(從不知哪裡突然冒出來)// unorthodox, weirdly unconventional, clumsy, awkward, radical, eccentric, even crazy behavior(非正統、奇怪的非傳統、笨拙、尷尬、極端的、古怪,甚至瘋狂的行為。)

~~出乎意料;突如其來;沒有警告的意外 // 發瘋;出格;精神失常;牛頭不對馬嘴

~~ out of nowhere; out of the blue; all of a sudden; entirely without warning // out of the ordinary; way-out; far-out; off-center; way out of line; way off base; way off the mark; off the beaten track; off the wall; bizarrely unusual; out of one's mind

!! The slang could refer to the Neuropsychiatric Institute (a mental hospital) that is behind the left field stands in Chicago Cubs' old baseball park. That leads to the implication that anyone out in left field is crazy.


Associated to this reference is that, in older unsymmetrical baseball parks the left field wall is deeper and farther than the right field wall. When the batter is right-handed, the left fielder must go way off the left field, close to the mental (crazy) patients, in order to be able to catch the ball.


>> Due to the poor economic situation in Macau last year, it is really out of the left field to have such a figure of net profit.


>> He was drunk and his action came right out of left field.




李啓文 教授

2023-01-12 李啓文 1 1 澳门日报 content_238299.html 1 Out of the Left Field——發瘋 /enpproperty-->