
Ear to the Ground——全神貫注

Ear to the Ground——全神貫注

** to remain well informed(保持充分了解)

** to pay attention to everything that is happening around you(注意周圍發生的一切)

** look out for new trends, public opinion and current events(關注新趨勢、輿論和時事。)

!! In the days of cowboys and Indians, this expression probably alluded to listening for distant hoof beats or the sound of horses by putting one's ear to the ground.(在牛仔和印第安人時代,這表達可能暗示將一個人的耳朵貼在地上來聽遠處的馬蹄聲或叫聲。)

!! In 1941 Stanley Walker poked fun in The Uncanny Knacks of Mr. Doherty: "He had his ear to the ground and his eye on the ball while they were sitting on the fence."(1941年,Stanley Walker 在“Doherty先生的神奇訣竅”中嘲笑:“當他們坐在籬笆上時, 他耳朵貼在地面,和眼睛盯着球。”)

>> Nobody is certain when stay-at-home order due to Coronavirus will be lifted. Businesses must have their ear to the ground in order to plan for their survival.(沒有人能確定因新冠肺炎而實施的“居家令”何時會被取消。企業必須全神貫注,以計劃生存。)

>> The trajectory of the super typhoon is unstable, and the Meteorological Bureau needs to keep their ear to the ground to closely monitor its new trend.(超強颱風的移動路徑不穩定,氣象局需要保持警覺來密切監察其新動向。)

學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啓文 教授

2020-06-25 學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啓文 教授 1 1 澳门日报 content_53308.html 1 Ear to the Ground——全神貫注 /enpproperty-->