
Loose Lips Sink Ships——禍從口出

Loose Lips Sink Ships——禍從口出

**inadvertent disclosure of secrets during conversation could have severe consequences


~~ 禍從口出;言多必失;多言買禍;禍福無門;惟人自召;禍發齒牙;守嘴不惹禍

~~ beware of unguarded talk // careless talk costs lives // closed mouth catches no flies // closed mouth gathers no feet // no wisdom like silence // silence is golden // still tongue keeps a wise head // long tongue // loose tongue // loose clicks sink ships

!! Among World War II posters urging sailors and others not to talk about war-related matters to protect war secrets: "The Slip of a Lip May Sink a Ship," "Slipped Lips Sink Ships," and "Idle Gossip Sinks Ships," the most memorable was "Loose Lips Sink Ships."

(在敦促水手和其他人不要談論與戰爭有關的事情,以便保護戰爭秘密的二戰海報中:“口誤可能使船沉沒”,“口誤沉沒船”和“空閑閒話沉沒船”,其中最令人難忘的是“Loose Lips Sink Ships”。)

>> Canada's communications director F.D. had a moment of “Loose lips sink ship” at the NATO summit in Prague,Czech Republicin 2002. She resigned over "What a moron" she said about U.S. President George W. Bush during a private conversation overheard by other reporters.


>> In this exceedingly competitive business environment, talking about trade secrets even to your spouse is sometimes taboo -- loose lips sink ships.



李啟文  教授

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