
Tongue in Cheek——毫無誠意

Tongue in Cheek——毫無誠意

** to speak insincerely, facetiously, ironically, mockingly, jokingly, mischievously or humorously.(不誠實地、諷刺地、反諷地、嘲弄地、開玩笑地、頑皮地或幽默地說話。)

~~ 假情假意;毫無誠意;不認真的;不當真的;半開玩笑的;鬧着玩的;開玩笑的;當不得真;半開玩笑地譏諷道;幽默諷刺的;嘲弄的口氣講;風涼話;說說而已;前說後忘

~~ with tongue in cheek; tongue-in-cheek

!! There’s a story about a pregnant woman's uber-rich father who used a gun to force her boyfriend to marry her, but it was actually the boy’s conspiracy, who says, with tongue in cheek, "I love her ..." but with his eyes on the money.


!! If after saying something, you pushed out one cheek with your tongue or winked, it’s a tongue-in-cheek gesture.


>> When the customer exaggerates the complaint and wants to benefit from it, the server's response is always with tongue in cheek.


>> When a person lacks maturity and the main purpose is just for money rather than good work, he always speaks with tongue-in-cheek, and works half-heartedly.



李啟文  教授

2021-07-01 學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啟文  教授 1 1 澳门日报 content_129158.html 1 Tongue in Cheek——毫無誠意 /enpproperty-->