
Out of the Woods——脫離困境

Out of the Woods——脫離困境

** freed from a previous state of uncertainty, trouble or danger(擺脫以前的不確定性、麻煩或危險狀態)// having emerged from some problem or difficulty(從某些問題或困難中走出來)

~~ 脫離困境;脫離危險期;脫離險境;脫離危險;擺脫麻煩;度過了危險期

~~ out of the wood // on the comeback trail // on the road to recovery // on the mend // off the hook // over the hump // out of the mess // in the clear // out of the fire

!! This metaphor alludes to an image of having been lost in a dangerous forest, being chased by thieves, and finally emerging from it unscathed. It dates back at least to the Roman times.


!! In 1792, Mme. D’Arblay (Frances Burney) wrote in her Diary and Letters: "Mr. Windham says we are not yet out of the wood, though we [can] see the path through it."(1792年,達布雷夫人(Frances Burney)在她的《日記和信件》中寫道:“Windham 先生說我們還沒有走出困境,雖然我們可以看到通過它的道路”。)

>> We had been in serious financial difficulties for three years with continuous losses, but now are out of the woods because of our new leadership team.(我們經歷了三年的嚴重財務困境和持續虧損,但在我們的新領導團隊帶領下,現在已經脫離困境。)

>> When the boy rushed out to the road, it was unfortunate that he was knocked down by a taxi at high speed. Rejoice, he is finally out of the woods.(那男孩衝出馬路時,不幸被的士高速撞倒,慶幸最終脫離危險期。)


李啟文  教授

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