
Powers That Be——掌權者

Powers That Be——掌權者

** individuals or groups who hold authority or control over a particular domain(在特定的領域內擁有權威或控制權的個人或團體)

~~ 掌權者;當局;當權者;政府;統治者;行政者;領導者;權力集團;現在的權勢;管理權

~~ corridors of power // ruling class // established order // power elite // ruling establishment // government // authorities // top brass // officialdom

!! “The powers that be” comes from Romans (13:1) of the Bible: “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: The powers that be are ordained of God.” It asserts that all power of any kind comes from God alone.


!! Pope Leo XIII reasserted the term in Immortale Dei (1885): “all public power proceeds from God.”


>> Most of the current powers that be are not looking after the people but their interests in power and political gains.


>> The powers that be have decided that our focus of continuing education must be practical and result-oriented.



李啟文  教授

2022-03-31 李啟文 1 1 澳门日报 content_183794.html 1 Powers That Be——掌權者 /enpproperty-->