
More Than Meets the Eye——背後有文章

More Than Meets the Eye——背後有文章

** more significant than is first apparent or deduced〈比最初明顯看到或推論到的更重要〉 // complexities or problems are not apparent on the surface 〈表面上不明顯的複雜性或問題〉

~~ 隱藏的事實;背後有文章;眼見不一定為實;事實非表面現像;弦外之音;話中有話;事情並不像初看到的那樣簡單;比你看到的要多;比看起來更複雜;比原想的更困難

~~ more to/in it than meets the eye; tip of the iceberg; between the lines; more difficult than first imagined; more complex than it looks; more than it appears to be; more than it seems; looks can be deceiving; appearances are deceptive

!! In 1906, John Galsworthy used the phrase in The Man of Property: “There’s more here, sir,” says the inspector over the dead body, “than meets the eye.” He might have referred to a “hit and run” case of deliberate robbery and murder. 1906年,John Galsworthy

一九○六年,約翰 · 高爾斯華綏在《有產業的人》中使用了這樣的短語:“‘先生,這裡有比肉眼所見更多的東西’屍體旁邊的檢查員說道。”他可能是指一起蓄意搶劫和謀殺的肇事逃逸案件。

>> Read the proposed take-over agreement very carefully; read between the lines because there may be more than meets the eye.


>> It looked as though Jimmy had fallen off the bicycle and bruised his hands, but the doctor thought that there was more to that than met the eye.



李啟文 教授

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