
Build a City along the River——沿河建城盡靠地利

Build a City along the River——沿河建城盡靠地利

** take advantage of location and local resources(利用位置和當地資源);to gain some benefit or convenience by being close to someone or something(透過接近某人或某物來獲得一些好處或便利)

~~沿河建城,盡靠地利;沿河建城,盡取地利;沿河建城,就地取材;盡用地利; 物盡其用;好價值靠地利;地區定屋價;發揮區位優勢;近水樓台先得月,向陽花木易為春

~~ live near water; capitalize on favorable geography/location; be at the right place; make use of productive land; draw on local resources; maximize use of local sources!! Throughout history, cities were frequently established along the banks of rivers, because these waterways provided a source of water for drinking and irrigation of crops; food; rich land for cultivation; water power to operate machines; access to trade routes; and transportation to other communities, etc. Many of them grew into major cities.


>> Real-estate investment’s three criteria are: location, location, still location, just like building a city along the river, i.e., not be located in desolate locations.


>> Retail stores must be located where foot traffic is abundant, just like building a city along the river.


學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啟文

2024-10-17 學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啟文 1 1 澳门日报 content_369011.html 1 Build a City along the River——沿河建城盡靠地利 /enpproperty-->