
Against the Grain——反方向

Against the Grain——反方向

** contrary to principles, inclinations, expectations, preferences, feelings, wishes, custom, or common sense // doing things that seem unnatural or illogical, and are not normal or not accepted // doing something the hard way

~~ 反方向;違背;格格不入;違反意願;違反常規;違反本性;背道而馳;與眾不同;不正常;反常理;逆紋理;使反感;使不快

~~ out of the common; at odds with; counter to; in opposition to; not in accord with; at variance with; in conflict with; incompatible with; against one's instincts; rub the wrong way

!! There is a natural direction of the fibers in wood, called its grain. Carpenters know that it is easier to plane a board in the direction of the grain; if you go against the grain, you’ll end up with a rough, splintery surface.


» If nobody goes against the grain sometimes and gives us the honest truth of our financial standing, we will be going in the same direction blindly without checks and balances.


» Steve didn't care about ruining his chances for promotion when he chose once again to go against the grain of the office policy.



李啟文 教授

2024-11-28 李啟文 1 1 澳门日报 content_377673.html 1 Against the Grain——反方向 /enpproperty-->