
Bury One's Head in the Sand——逃避現實

Bury One's Head in the Sand——逃避現實

** refuse to recognize the real facts of a situation because one doesn’t want to deal with it; refuse to face danger, problem, unpleasantness, etc. by pretending not to see it


~~ refuse to accept the truth; refuse to face facts; pretend something is not happening; pretend that nothing is wrong; elude the reality; ignore the facts

!! There is a mistaken belief that ostriches burrow in sand thinking they will not be seen because they cannot see. Actually, they are looking for seeds or berries to eat and taking in sand and gravel which are used in their gizzards to help digest food.


!! This mythical self-delusion expression was transferred to human behavior of avoiding unpleasantness in the early seventeenth century.


>> His business is losing money constantly, but instead of doing something about it, he buries his head in the sand and just waits for the economy to improve.


>> The world is facing fundamental changes and you are burying your head in the sand. Don’t blame anyone but yourself when they hit you personally.



李啟文 教授

2024-12-12 李啟文 1 1 澳门日报 content_380991.html 1 Bury One's Head in the Sand——逃避現實 /enpproperty-->